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Our friendly and passionate crew of volunteer members work on the railway because they enjoy it.

Members are an integral part of the Zig Zag Rail’s success and that is largely due to their enthusiasm and their desire to see the era of the steam train and the genius of the Zig Zag honoured.

There are many roles to play as a Zig Zag Member, including operation roles such as

  • Driver
  • Fireman
  • Guard
  • Signaller

There are also opportunities to support the railway by helping to maintain rollingstock, buildings, gardens and other facilities.

Where required ZZR provides training courses for accreditation under the Rail Safety Act.

To join the Zig Zag railway as a volunteer member, please click here.

© 2024 Zig Zag Railway Co-op Limited

PO Box 1, Lithgow  NSW  2790

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